Infolinks 2015
Valve's spin on DoTA?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 Posted by Shawnsey Tom at 2:06 AM 1 commentsInfolinks 2015
What game is this again?
Posted by Shawnsey Tom at 1:59 AM 0 commentsWell, Starcraft 2 has successfully blown my mind... again. This is Lund's "Ruins," a StarCraft II modification using the game's Galaxy Map Editor tools to completely alter, change, and transform the gameplay experience within Starcraft 2.
Call of Duty Moder- Oops Black Ops
Posted by Shawnsey Tom at 1:55 AM 1 commentsIm sorry but I was hoping for a Call of Duty that felt.... different? I dont know but still looks like Call of Duty Modern Warfare with a few different guns and models. Well thats just me. What do you think?
Starcraft 2 Toys
Sunday, July 25, 2010 Posted by Shawnsey Tom at 10:55 AM 1 comments
Well, these have got to be the coolest toys I have ever laid my eyes on! With Starcraft II out in 2 days who wouldn't be excited about these miniature replicas of Starcraft 2 units and characters.
As cool as they are they still don't compare to Arthas! I mean, the Lich King.
Beyond Good and Evil 2 Lives!
Saturday, June 26, 2010 Posted by Shawnsey Tom at 9:14 PM 1 commentsSo the small studio behind Beyond Good and Evil 2 apparently is still plugging along! After the amazing first game hopes are high for this sequel!
Fallout New Vegas On October 19th!
Sunday, June 20, 2010 Posted by Shawnsey Tom at 10:14 AM 0 comments
What else needs to be said. After being hooked with millions of other on Fallout 3 I cant wait for Fallout New Vegas! With so much more and improved I can say I'm buying this!
Early Concept Art.
Cool guys don't look at explosions.
New melee weapons like this golf club!
New S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system?
Weapons attachments only usable by a mod in Fallout 3!
Honestly, If you'r not excited you need to see a doctor!
New partner in crime!
Saturday, June 19, 2010 Posted by Joe at 11:09 PM 0 comments
To anyone it may concern,
I guess I'm a new "blogger" here for Gamueter. Hopefully you will hear from me sooner or later!
Nintendo 3DS
Posted by Shawnsey Tom at 9:49 PM 0 commentsFirst off, let me just say, Oh yes. The 3DS looks amazing! With a massive line-up of sweet new games like, Street-Fighter, Kingdom Hearts, Professor Layton, Metal Gear, Pilot Wings, Starfox, and yes, even more than that.
Also, not just sweet games but Nintendo will be using magic to make games 3D without glasses, yes magic. Also if that doesn't sell you it comes in sweet colors!
Oh, yes.
Fable runs the same path as Halo?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Posted by Shawnsey Tom at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Well, I loved the first Fable, It was a fun game with great choices and story! Unlike any I had ever played before! When they had announced the second I was so happy and rushed to get it! I enjoyed it tremendously yet it felt a little different and different for the worse. As with Halo, I liked the first but when the third finally did come out I felt cheated and unfulfilled. I just hope Fable 3 will pull back to the good old original Fable style or at least not be terrible.
Well, this is still similar to the second, hopefully they wont forget though what started the Fable series and what the games were built on. It is Peter Molyneux though, I trust him not to screw up!
Well, this is still similar to the second, hopefully they wont forget though what started the Fable series and what the games were built on. It is Peter Molyneux though, I trust him not to screw up!
New 360? The X-box 370?
Posted by Shawnsey Tom at 3:28 PM 2 comments
A new X-Box has been developed. It is much smaller than the old and looks a lot nicer in my opinion. More like a PS3 now. It's all black with black controller and looks great with Project Natal. Erm, I mean Kinect...
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