Who knew when the first version of DoTA was released to the map/mod hungry fans of Warcraft 3 that years later it still shines! With a player base larger than some relatively new games you must admit they have accomplished quite a feat. Now with countless spin-offs such as League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth I still have to say I am surprised to see Valve hop on the bandwagon. Or so we assume? Actor Jon St. John, who you'd know as the voice behind Duke Nukem, took to his Twitter account earlier in the week and wrote "Had a great time in Seattle last week recording for DotA. The guys at ValveSoftware are awesome!" So, what did this mysterious tweet mean? Is it true? Is icefrog there now? So many questions... like where the hell is Episode 3 and why are you starting this?!
Infolinks 2015
Nice Blog...a2ibba.net
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